Thursday, October 30, 2008

05-11-2008 : Perfect Symmetry at the Palladium, Köln

After not having been to concerts for quite a while now, i'm glad to be able to see my favourized band Keane in Köln next week, on November 5th. The location is the Palladium, a remainder from heavy industry days. It has room for roundabout 4000 people and at least looks nice on pictures.

Rich, Tim, Tom : go! go! go!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Keane : Perfect Symmetry

Keane have released their 3rd Album, which is in many ways great. Similar to the IRON SEA Album, they redefine their sound with it. Here's my favourite tracks :
• love is the end
• perfect symmetry
• Playing Along
• better than this

All in all, another great songwriting done by Rice-Oxley!

Friday, September 05, 2008

yet another browser?

Google have released a beta of chrome, their web browser.
it looks pretty good and renders as troubleless as firefox.
I haven't had the time to go into detail about this piece,
but first hands-on, it's quite a pick.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Internet Explorer 8 Beta available

Microsoft have released a beta version of the eighth installment in their IE-Series.
Go check it out at microsoft.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Final Fantasy XIII

just a short notice : there will be a FFXIII Demo for PS3 along with the Bluray of Advent Children. More info here.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Yahoo Fire Eagle and Web Self Exposure in general

Yahoo have launched their service "Fire Eagle", which is like twitter for locations. You can by various means tell the service your current location and have it displayed online. I have tried it. The pixelart design is pretty cool and - from what i see - the website seems to be up to the current technical standard (can't judge the backend...).

No reason to get over-excited, for me. I'd rather spend some time thinking about where the web takes its users.

The (growing) Web population is obviously divided into three groups. Group one is careful, sceptic about things like online banking or ebay, and very reluctant to use them. I don't know what those people actually do online, but they exist in small numbers.

Group two is the "webstertainment" group, mostly online to have a good time, meet friends (we used to do that somewhere under the sky back in my younger days) or watch ostensibly funny videos. Average age probably somewhere between 12 and 24. You can meet them at unique locations like, where they are linked to on various photos and expose themselves more or less completely.

Somewhere in between lies the group I hope to be a part of, which is : willing to try but not completely air-headed. Although I fear I have a tendency to slide into group two from time to time...

While people keep on moaning about wiretapping and biometric passports, more and more web apps for self exposure emerge. While networking implicitly requires a certain amount of privacy loss, you should be careful not to give away too much about yourself, especially information that can be used against you in any way. Which brings me back to Fire Eagle : I just read the news about this being staged on, where critics already said it was a welcome gift for housebreakers and burglars. Knowing that the Millers from house number 18 will be in spain for the next three weeks makes scheming somewhat more easy, it is justifiably said.

Definitely, it is time to think about what information you are willing to share about yourself. Always think about the harm the information could cause. And if you want, try Fire Eagle

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Samsung SyncMaster 245B plus - 24" LCD-Display for EUR 309

Seen it in action, and I love it. If only...

anyone out there who wants to donate?

Friday, July 11, 2008

thoughts on code quality and sparks (or : the good, the bad and the ugly)

In my seven years of being a developer I have seen quite a few pieces of code, some of which were great works of art, while others were what could only be called a pain in the arse (written some of these myself).

There are many good-coding-dogmas, many design pattern catalogues and, I'm pretty sure, at least one best practice implementation for each problem you face dug in the depths of the internet. It's not always easy to find, though: In a recent search for documentation on IBM.XMS for dotnet, I was desperate for a few days, until eventually I ended up on an IBM-MQSeries board where people would try and help. The manual delivered with the XMS-lib was basically an API-doc and the sample applications did not compile. The solution was later found : Some assemblies had to be added, but no-one really knew why (or has written it down)

For a developer, a project starts somewhere in a meeting room, as a sheet of paper on your desk or, which is most enjoyable, as a spark in your brain while you are doing something completely different (the former cases just mean somebody else has had this spark).

So, whenever you start a new project, you basically face at least one of those thoughts:

• how to get it done?
• can I reuse what I have already coded?
• how can I get it over with really quick?
• how can I produce good code (that I might reuse later)?

It's a person-thing as well as a project thing. If a project demands quick delivery and leaves no time for design, you can be conscientious as you may, but your only ticket to success is a quick solution. The resulting code is often ungeneric and proprietary. But If a project has a more generous schedule, the shores of good and bad coders will diverge. Bad coders will code whatever comes to their mind after forging up a general battle plan. Good coders will spend some more time and go into detail regarding classes and processes or sometimes writing generic frameworks. The danger lies in over-designing things (like implementing a complex pattern where a simple class would have done). Time and again, there are software architects who do the conceptual work instead - a draft with very little understanding of "real-life" implementation problems.

So, What makes code actually good?
First of all, it must be understandable. This can be achieved by using standardized design patterns, but also by "humanizing" code. The target should never be to gain maximum complexity, but rather maximum simplicity. Second, good code is documented. It's not negotiable that some snippets end up being rather complex, hopefully because some things just can't be done in a simple way. Having a documentation (again, human readble) can be a great deal of help in such situations.

And although real beauty also comes with the language you code, it is possible to write some really good stuff with not-so-great languages. I remember the perl daemons designed by Marcus (hi Marcus, please ignore that thing about not-so-good Perl ^^) at sipgate - pure beauty in a language that isn't famous for its OOP capabilities.
Recently, in search for a specific solution, I checked a project done by another coder. Looking at what was done, the coder had programming and abstraction skills that surpassed mine by some length. But all those tiny sparks he's had when coding it just wouldn't leap over to me: there was no guidance through the code, no wiki entry, no inline documentation. after 2 hours of failed attempts, i quit it.

And what makes code bad?
Spaghetti code (not just top-down, but also all-across), lack of documentation, lack of human readability. Anything that shows the coder hasn't loved what he was doing. What good is a highly functional library if no-one knows how to use it? I think this does not need further saying, some of the stuff mentioned above is about bad code as well. Although, just to get rid of this, the most disastrous thing I've had to work with was (also written in perl) a daemon that had functions that spanned over more than 11 full pages. the actions taken were, each one of them, simple and understandable, but the amount of repetitions the absolute lack of documentation in it made me slam my head on the table and deeply doubt in the existence of gods. As pratchett said : "artifical intelligence is beaten by real stupidity every time". He's just so right about that.

Who am I to judge?
A developer, a user of APIs, a resumer of projects other people started. Some other things maybe, but last but not least a human.

What I want to say is: we live and learn. While living can't be helped (it happens more or less automatically), we have a lot of influence on our learning. And that is what we need web2.0 for : a more practicable way of sharing our sparks, the community must pull together more closely. Good code can be less shiny but still gold, if only it's imparted in a helpful way.

take care

Sunday, July 06, 2008

hapless turns at Sony's

Probably you've already heard it: Sony needs a lot of red ink for writing the records of their gaming branch since the release of the PS3.

Sony has - up to PS3 - had a very strong pillar in Games, while other business areas are usully rather unexciting (No pioneers' work in most of them). Thus, the damages caused by this bad streak might cost Sony a lot of their overall stability.

But what went wrong?

To my mind, Sony went very very wrong in the concept phase. Taking a pride in the long-lasting PS2-sales, they threw their new machine on the market without caring about demographical or, on a peoples-scale, economical changes. Consumers want to spend less money on games, PS3 games get more expensive without offering extra benefits to the gamers. You still finish cheap-ass jump'n'runs in a few hours or lose interest before that happens, but pay 1.5 times the price. Or, as Terry pratchett has put economy : "It's very much like dairy farming. The goal is to get a maximum amount of milk with a minimum amount of moo, and I'm afraid all I get these days is moo". Sure, we must pay for entertainment. But if it hurts more than it pleases, it's a habit to kick.

PS2 was, in the end, budget gaming, which kept people buying. The prospect of testing games before buying (using a modchip) also tickled some of their fancies.
Right now, PS3 is still only interesting for enthusiasts, consumers will wait until it gets cheaper (and moddable!).

I consider myself a model gamer citizen : I love playing, I spend a lot of time on it, and I even play a lot of crap. PS2 was a great platform for that, cut out for gaming. It sold very well, because of all consoles it was, while being more pricey, still the best. It was, powerful enough, quite easily moddable and most of all affordable. Recently I prefer Crysis on my PC to what my PS3 has to offer...

While microsoft didn't achieve too much with XBOX on the gaming side, it offered great MediaCenter and Modding potential. Which is why I owned one. Most of the games really sucked, but XBMC had a strong appeal to keep it for a long time.

One more admonition goes to Sony for their policy towards the European consumers. Ever since the PSX, we have stood in queue behind all other markets, finally getting a modified and less interesting product. For more money. Dear Sony, a market consists of people (who might add up to numbers, but each and every one of them considers him/herself a person rather than a digit) who have emotions. Emotions play a very big role in a market, which is how stock trade works. If you treat us like the car's fifth wheel, there will be an according echo.

Have it your way, but if you want people to buy your stuff, it's give and take!

And yes, I can judge this. I am a gamer. I own a PS3. I am very happy about the console and very unhappy about the games available right now. It's like winning a Ferrari in a lottery and having no gas station around. The Sony Store is a good idea, but filled with junk, whoever wants to pay money for crappy B- or C-games they have to download when each and every harmful firmware upgrade (my brother's console was bricked by a regular update) might make you lose the game?

I sincerely hope the modding community will squeeze some pleasure out of the console pretty soon, otherwise it will be a final stop at ebay for mine...

Friday, June 27, 2008


The recent local event "Spektakel" has been dearly anticipated, at least by me. As those things go, it started off with two bands i didn't know and "starred" Bounce, the Bon Jovi tribute band from around the corner.

In short : they rock bigtime and sound very much like the original. Whenever you can, you should check them out.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

one step at a time

hey all,

What a year so far!

I'm happy to announce that is well on the way of progress. In addition to Prototype, I have switched over to using 2 more very efficient JavaScript Libraries for the user interface : Scriptaculous and Lightbox v2. The great thing about that : they're all compatible - scriptaculous is based on prototype, lightbox on both of the others. Since Firebug is such a relief for Debug, we can get more serious about using JS than before. Remains to hope that the libs are sufficiently crossbrowser-compatible, because debugging IE will NOT be fun :(

Another project of mine,, will hopefully be online later this week. It has been stuck on my harddisk for something like 4 Months now, waiting for a few graphics, some minor IE-CSS-Debug (yuck!) and a filled database (how should i get this done?)...

Web Recommendations of the month : - youtube for audio :D - simple elegance

Back to work!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hardware fever

after some time of pondering, I finally made my mind up to get some more current hardware. My config now is :

* intel core2duo e6300 + sonic tower + s-flex/800rpm/120mm
* asus p5k crossfire mainboard
* 2*1GB Team DDR2-6400 Memory
* Gigabyte X1650 Pro/256MB GDDR3/silent pipe II
* Gigabyte X1600 Pro/256MB GDDR2/silent pipe
* 250GB Samsung Spinpoint S-ATA 2
* 500GB Samsung Spinpoint S-ATA 2
* Win XP SP2

Sure this is not bleeding edge (rather budget level), but is a good treat for my needs.

The greatest benefit of all is changing to a 2 Harddisk setup: I do a lot of installing from image files, which can be time consuming when you have your images on the same physical disk as your install target. with 2 Sata2-drives, I managed to install a full 700Megs image in a few seconds. Physically separating soundlibs and temporarily generated audio is also a great advantage for recording, as I have read.

I haven't received my second VGA Adapter yet, I'm really interested in seing how crossfire works (Well, my setup is not optimised for games anyway, with the slower X1600 surely taking the wind from the X1650's sails) and i hope i can get my 3-screen-setup working with it.

what remains now is replacing the PSU, I'm ogling with a Be Quiet! one...


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"Zielchen und Merriem"

after some time of not posting, here i go again.

"Zielchen und Merriem"
time flies, and all of a sudden my kids are so big that i can hardly imagine there ever was a time without them around. very recently, anna (3 1/4 yrs) has named her two fluffy toy cats "Zielchen und Merriem". Strange names, where'd she got those from? Julia (21 Months) has developed a trait of discussing a lot and never giving in. most of her arguments are "no" and "why". So much life to come home to every day, it's great!

I have now finished my first weeks at INKA, a HSBC subsidiary, develeoping WinForms in C#. A step, as I recall, I have first uttered the wish to take, back in 2004.

tomorrow i will post a blurb about software design patterns, since i have had a good / bad time with them.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Eye Of Judgment - big time!

A few years ago, I used to play Wizards of the coast's Trading Card Game "Duel Masters". It was something that really got me by the conkers, since I like card games, I am easily convinced to collect stuff (you should see my Elton John collection...), and I really like fantasy-monster-stuff. So, there was this new hobby, but lack of time I dismissed it after spending somewhere around 250USD on import cards.

Now WOTC and sony have finally combined their efforts to put up something really grand : The Eye Of Judgment for PS3. The cards are played on a gameplan that is watched by a USB Cam (PS Eye). The software identifies the card and brings it into play, be it a spell, creature or an action card. A nice 3d-representation of the cast entity is then shown on-screen and battles with its adversaries.

Your opponent can be either remote or locally present, It doesn't matter. Just, if you want to play ladder games, you gotta go online.

If you like TCGs, try finding some cool videos on youtube - there's many - and get yourself this freakin' hot game.

Or, if you already have it, why not challenge me? My PSN ID is fopsi. I am also in the german playstation league with this nickname.


Monday, January 28, 2008

10 Years, and then....Welcome back, X Japan!

I am so damn happy about this reunion...Yoshiki's great music coupled with Toshi's grand voice :D

Well, here they are : X Japan. Finally reunited. Looking forward to some more great stuff. If, you care (you really should), listen to their first new Song, a track from the Saw IV OST.

Edit : Obviously, there's some enthusiasts with a plan to get X over to Europe. I really appreciate their effort and I will participate! For more info klick here

Landtagswahl in Hessen

Nichts geht über ein gutes Konzept: klick (Youtube)

Thursday, January 03, 2008

I just created a list of the vim-features I happen to use a lot.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

two zero zero eight

Ho Bang Bang Ho!!!

Santa has buggered off again, the last firecrackers have been flushed down the gutters, life has been set to work-mode again. the Seb-Bot is back in his office and doing whatever he does for a living.

The recently celebrated new year means a lot to him. I detail: a year full of hopelessly overaimed intentions, jolly and rather not so jolly surprises, moral decay and dispositional blunting, too little spare time and too many things to spend it on, undue optimism and all the usual emotional rollercoaster-ride that he refers to as life.

In short, nothing changes (it never does, really) except the big number on the calendar leaves, but as some robots do, the Seb-Bot has reconsidered his existence and all the things he spends his time on.

The result is a pro-familiar and anti-vocational programme for evening hours, a more sportive and more musical approach for hours of solitude. With this, the Seb-Bot has calculated, he can claim more of the grease called "happiness" for his rusty joints and thus prolong his lifecycle and increase productivity.

(How) have you re-adjusted yourself?