Wednesday, April 08, 2009

GIMP is short for "(Oh, how )Great Is My Photoshop"

Recently, I've had to deal with the GIMP from time to time, my company lacking a Photoshop license.I think eventually I got a bit into it, but it still makes me chunder whenever I have to use it.

To sum it up:
Using GIMP for photomanipulation is a bit like asking for a car and getting four wheels instead.
Using GIMP for webdesign is impossible.


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Sustainable Job Disposal

If you want to lose your job and make sure you won't get another one anytime soon, why not try this ?

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Beware of the Crocodeagle

And that's basically all I have to say. Please check this out